Labeling them dumb is simply a way of not trying to understand their situation, or what they value. I just red this quote in this article about Trump voters. Labeling or judging is easy. It's (to) easy to scream and fall in that trap. But you can … [Read more]
Frustration can lead to great solutions
What slightly frustrated me lately is scrolling up and down endlessly in the Youtube stream to look up a certain athlete for the ICF World Cups. Does it sound familiar? After a race day I would like to quickly check some runs. But mostly I end up not … [Read more]
MOOC: Online Learning platforms
Yesterday I wrote this post about the Athlete Learning Gateway and how I like online learning. MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platforms are great. Therefore I wanted to make you a quick list of all the MOOC & online educational platforms I … [Read more]
Athlete Learning Gateway
Although it was already launched last April, it was only today thay I came across the IOC's athlete learning gateway. Being a big fan of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) I see it as a great innovation by the IOC to start online courses for elite … [Read more]
Wildwater: metafoor voor het leven
Een kolkende watermassa met daarboven een set poortjes; dat is het decors van mijn sport, kanoslalom. Gedurende een run van ca. 90 seconden gaat het erom de enorme energie van het water optimaal te gebruiken om rakelings door de poortjes te schieten … [Read more]
PAIN is just French for bread
There was one training, one test that was so heavy, that already before starting you knew that at the end you would be throwing up or seeing black spots. You would be in pain no matter how fit you were. Hurt Once in a while we did this test in … [Read more]